Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Same Old Song and Dance, Part II. (by popular demand)

So, at this point we have Paul in a transient existence and Steve recently set free from a small-minded college in Kansas. The two come together in Oklahoma City where Paul has been offered an amazingly large 20 screen theatre. For the first time in a year and a half Paul had a theatre that didn't require rescue or refitting. This meant that for the first time he would be in one place for an indeterminate duration. Steve's new independence also meant that his options were now open. This led to a happy arrangement where Paul would now have company and Steve would be surrounded by four year institutions.

I was very pleased by all this because the new arrangement would be good for the both of them. The thing about Steve and Arkansas, however, was that Steve had a lot of history with several girls in Arkansas. Girls with less than stable personalities. And it was in this heady mix of hormones and old flames that Steve had to sit in before Paul's move to OKC was final.
And Steve doesn't have the greatest self control.

That was the fact that I kept coming back to as I looked at the Facebook note. It was written by one of the first female interests in Steve's life, and it made it seem as though things were on the upward swing. And when Steve gets serious with old flames he falls into old patterns and behaviours. Behaviours like changing plans last minute and deciding that Arkansas and a retail gig was better than OKC and college.
This would have been devastating to Paul.
For months he had been trying to get somebody, anybody, to come and visit him in Texas. And people, for months and months, kept making plans to come and see him and then letting him down. I could almost taste the heartbreak that would have happened had Steve decided to stay in Arkansas with his old flame.

Happily, the years had wisened Steve and he was done with old relationships. Well, maybe. Here lately there is a mystery girl that has appeared on the scene, but plans are still on and OKC is still his final destination. And when we are face to face again I hope to get the full story, but untill then I am happy with the fact that he is moving on and Paul will get some much needed company.

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