Sunday, June 1, 2008


So, I had one of those late night, passion fueled ideas for a story, then the moment passed and the groove was gone. I did squeeze out a paragraph's worth of text from it, though, and I'm determined to keep it alive until such a time that I can give it adequate attention. Until then, I'll leave it here to moulder:

We all grow up in our own, personal Hells. Some have worse ones then others, but we all have them. Pain and fear dig themselves into the furrows of our minds in ways that happiness and banality just can’t. Look back and you’ll see that I’m right. You are running form the shadows of your past, just like I am. It is a legacy that any living person has. Those shadows from our past are what propel us towards the future.


Unknown said...

I saw your comment on Monda's blog. Indeed, Klosterman is coming to UCA this semester! Very exciting. I believe he's going to be an artist in residence as well.

I've subscribed to your blog!

Unknown said...

Haha. I'm ignorant too, but I think it means that he stays more than one day.